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Tech Talk

Tech Talk

How do you keep current with technology?  Staying current with technology is not easy with the busy schedules we keep today.  Do you have a trusted source of information? At Colden Company Inc., keeping current is our business.  We do not rely on one individual source for our information (and neither should you). No one person is an expert in all things technology.  There are simply too many areas of expertise in technology to know them all at an in-depth level. This is a problem that many businesses experience when they become reliant on a single voice, typically that of the IT person or designated IT person, for their technology information. If you have a single IT person or small IT staff, ask this question: “How is your IT staff staying current with all the technology changes that are out there?”.

Many businesses incorrectly think that they do not need an IT consulting firm because they have an in-house IT person. Some of our best customers are businesses that have IT professionals on staff.  We can augment the staff in areas that the on premise person either does not have the time or expertise to work on.

At Colden Company Inc., we have developed a variety of trusted web sites, bloggers and vendors to get our information. We have been providing trusted technology content since our inception.  Colden Company was founded in May of 2003 and we have never missed a monthly blog posting (or newsletter as it was known years ago).  Today we are still offering information through the blog but also via other mediums such as attending and presenting at conferences, continual technical training and education of our staff, lunch and learn events and now television.  We encourage you to check out and see our weekly technology segments aired by our partner LookTV (seen on Time Warner Cable). Each week we are discussing relevant technology topics to help keep viewers informed. Last weeks’ topic was mobile device management and this weeks’ topic will involve a look at the changing landscape of viruses and malware.

There should never be a single source for technology information, but please consider us at Colden Company, as one of your trusted sources for information. We want to hear from you. What technology topics are you interested in?  Reach out to us at, see us on FaceBook, or Twitter (@coldenco) and now watch us on LookTV!



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